I’ve been contemplating switching my main development machine from windows to Mac for some time now. Well, I can now say that I have taken the plunge and am a faithful convert. Like most new converts, I am very excited, but still need to learn the ropes, because my old windows ways are still with me. How the heck do you delete forward anyway?
My main reasons for the switch are:
- I wanted to learn developing software for the iPhone/iTouch
- I will still be able to use windows
- It’s just so cool looking
As part of my quest to sharpen my developer saw, I’ve been learning Objective-C and Cocoa, in order to try a hand at creating software for the iPhone and iPod Touch. While there are other ways to get OS X to run on non-apple sanctioned hardware, I’d rather just purchase a Mac.
Since Intel-based Macs are able to run Windows, and Apple provides Boot Camp to aid with installation, I knew that I would still be able to fire up Visual Studio when needed. However, I’m a software developer (and therefore lazy) so I had to find a way to save time moving between OSes while working. For me VMware Fusion was the answer, and now I’m writing this article in Windows Live Writer running on a Windows XP VM. Oh, and unity mode is awesome. Here a screen shot of my desktop.
I guess I’m also a sucker for beautiful things, and the MacBook is definitely an eye catcher. I’ve been experiencing something that I never got when I owned a PC; people are actually giving me complements. I wouldn’t be surprised if some people reported getting dates by owning a Mac. That gives me an idea for a pretty cool Mac vs. PC commercial. You heard it here first, so Apple owes me royalties if this ever happens.
In the future I will write more about my experiences since the switch.
“fn-delete” my friend! Welcome to UNIX and overpriced hardware!